Monday, September 24, 2012

Section 1 - The Basics "Starting Image Twist"

Section 1 - The Basics


UPDATE 9/5 - The API v1 seems to have been shut down by Tumblr. If you were using Tier's queue manager it will not perform anymore. Maintain an eye on this blog for updates.

This tutorial will help you set up a tumblr blog with NSFW images (i.e. porn). Every time someone clicks on one of these images, you get paid. The payout rate is about $3 / 1000 clicks. Due to the social nature of Tumblr, this means you can make some great profit. Later in the guide you'll also learn exactly how to automate the submitting of images and scrape them coming from image sites like Reddit.

Step 1

Register for Image Twist
Referral Link: Image Twist
Non-referral Link:

Its up to you if you want to sign up under me or not.

We Pay Up to $2.60 For Each 1000 Image Views.
Minimum Payment only
$1.00. sent to PayPal or AlertPay

Step 2

Create a tumblr blog
Use a avatar that will catch people's attention, a great pair of boobs will do great lol
Create a catchy title with good keywords in it like boobs, nsfw, orgasm, porn, and so on.
Use a good theme for a picture gallery with thumbnails. Try choose pick your own theme, but if you get stuck here's a good one I used

*NEW* If you're decent with HTML, I'll put this link here for reference. It explains working with the Tumblr code to help customize your theme

I also modified a bit on the official theme I linked to perform better with this kind of method, it's hosted here if you're interested.
It's "SEO Optimized", and keeps your images small so people have to click it unless they want to squintfap.
Just go to tumblr, customize, edit HTML and copy/paste it in there.
Do Ctrl+F and type "Step 1" and do what it says. Repeat this for all 5 steps to get started the easy way.

@iz0mbie has created a Tumblr theme that he's sharing for free too if you want to check it out
iz0mbie's theme

Step 3

Find and post some good adult pics
I'm sure we all know how to find porn, but one easy site I use is There are plenty of good subreddits like r/boobs r/nsfw r/amateur r/nsfw_gifs just look around
*Note: Scientific studies have proven that women with larger breasts tend to get more clicks
Copy the image location and go to Image Twist and upload it
You will get a list of view links or one if it's a single image. An example is
Go to that URL, and open up a new tab and make a new Tumblr photo post
For the image URL, right click the imagetwist pic and hit copy image location. This will be a .jpg URL
Paste this in the new tumblr photo post by clicking Use URL Instead
Then at the bottom enable Set a Clickthrough Link, and link it to the view link from ImageTwist (ends in .jpg.html, should be open in your first tab)
Now tag it with relevant tags and add a quick description if you want
When a user clicks your thumbnail, they will be taken to the imagetwist link and you get paid
*Good tags are important, they help your posts show up in searches

4) Gain followers
Like a lot of posts, reblog posts (set a clickthrough to your tumblr URL), follow people, and create good tags. Your followers will start to add up and you'll get more traffic. The beginning followers are the hardest to get, then eventually your followers do the work for you and gain you new followers by reblogging...if that makes sense.

5) **NEW**
Earn more traffic and earnings!
If you're tired of signing up for random sites, I apologize. I suggest one more although it isn't entirely necessary: PlugRush
Referral Link:
Non-Referral Link:

They let you sell ads, use the clicks as a traffic exchange, or a combination of both. I choose to sell the plug clicks. The widgets you create and put on your page look like little galleries, and each click earns you return clicks. The exchange rate is very generous, and they will send you hundreds of clicks to start off with before you even start earning any.

A final note about PlugRush: Their mobile code has a better rate than JuicyAds. The only con to PlugRush is they make you wait 30 days after you earn to cash out those earnings, whereas JuicyAds only makes you wait 7 days. If you're deciding between JuicyAds and PlugRush, PlugRush is more cash later, and JuicyAds is less cash sooner.

Here's a quick guide on getting Plugrush set up if you need help:

Here's a basic guide of getting started


Create a Widget and Mobile Redirect Script for more earnings. First, add your website(s) then go to the Adzones tab. Create the widgets for the sites, they end up looking like galleries with thumbnails. Under the "Sell Traffic" option when making the widget, make sure the bottom 2 are checked. The top 2 are up to you. If you check them, you'll be selling some of the traffic which gives you $$ instead of views in return, but it doesn't sell all of it so you get some views back. If you do not check it, 100% of the clicks are exchange so every time someone clicks you get a few clicks back. Usually they send 5-10 clicks in return for one which is a great deal.

Also be sure to make a mobile redirect widget.


Create Plugs Under Publisher's Area -> Plugs. They show up in other people's galleries and are basically like little ads. You only need 1 plug per website but you can submit additional plugs. Submit the post URL and a title/description and categories. It takes a little while (1 day at most) to be approved, so you won't see any traffic until they're approved and the widget it setup on your site.
Misc info - The stats on PlugRush are delayed by a day. If everything is set up and you're not seeing any earnings or traffic, wait a day and check back.
Also, the $0.00 icon in the top right with the moneybag doesn't reflect your pending earnings. To see how much you earned so far, go to the Publisher tab, then Earnings. Again these stats are 24 hours delayed. I didn't realize that at first and thought Plugrush was a bullshit site (it's not)

I've been posting on reddit and getting huge traffic boosts. Tumblr will get you long term passive views, Reddit will get you short bursts of instant traffic. A balance of the two is a good plan for success. You're not limited to Reddit either, post on forums, get creative, and advertise your tumblr.

My subreddits and other TBN member created subreddits (we all allow Tumblr links

Step 6

Create SEO friendly Titles (this helps get you on Google search)
Note - if you used my SEO optimized theme from before, this is already done for you

Customize your blog and go to edit HTML. Find the title section which will look something like
<title>{Title} </title>
Edit that line to this 
<title>{block:PostSummary}{PostSummary} - {/block:PostSummary}{Title}</title>
This helps your pages have unique titles and get indexed on Google. By default, all page titles are the title of your blog.

Now right below that add the following meta information:
<meta name="description" content="{block:PostSummary}{PostSummary} - {/block:PostSummary}{Title} - {Description}" />

<meta name="title" content="{block:PostSummary}{PostSummary} - {/block:PostSummary}{Title}" />

<meta name="keywords" content="{block:Permalink}{block:Posts}{block:Tags}{Tag}, {/block:Tags}{/block:Posts}{/block:Permalink}" />
This helps add relevant information when you appear on Google Results. Most tumblr themes do not include this...when's the last time you did a google search and saw a link to a tumblr blog? This is why.

If you don't mind doing things manually, that's about all you need to know. Keep creating posts and earn money


 Image Twist :



  1. awesome man,thank you for this post

  2. has a good example

  3. its more fun in the philippines visit

  4. Hi is this blog still active?
    Can you make a newer version of this tutorial? I don't think it is compatible with this version of tumblr.
